Pandita Ramabai Mukti Mission

Country Councils Working Together


New Zealand

How it began in New Zealand

The first report of support for Mukti Mission by New Zealand is found in Pandita Ramabai A Great Life in Indian Missions by Helen S. Dyer published in 1930.

“The visit to the Colonies in 1903 of Manoramabai (Ramabai’s daughter) bore much fruit evoking interest in Mukti. In New Zealand a praying circle, organised by Mr & Mrs George Mckenzie or Queenstown, resulted in several workers going forth to Mukti, and in some very strenuous work being done. Each Christmas boxes have been sent to India full of useful articles of every sort – clothing toys stationery, etc., and supplying the needs of the workers as well as the pupils in the institution.” 1

Support for Mukti Mission grew rapidly from its home in Queenstown, then Dunedin. The ‘Auckland Committee’ was formed and first met on 27 November 1945. The N.Z. Council in Dunedin was feeling the pressure of the work and decided that it would an opportune time for the newly formed committee to take on the administration of the Council and become the NZ Council of the Ramabai Mukti Mission.2

Mukti Mission seems to enter the hearts of supporters and stay there. We have many supporters who have prayed and given generously for decades and are extremely knowledgeable about the mission. Quite a number have visited and returned to spread the word about the work. Their legacy is the hundreds women and children who have been sponsored by New Zealanders and gone out into the world to fulfil Ramabai’s vision to be salt and light in the community.

1. Dyer, Helen S., “Pandita Ramabai a Great Life in Indian Missions, p148, Pickering & Ingles, London, 1930.
2. Clark, John, Pennies, Postage and Prayer Notes relating to the NZ Council of the Pandita Ramabai Mukti Mission 2009.

Mukti New Zealand Council is online – click HERE

Our Local NZ Office:

Penny Winstone – Operations & Donor Relations Manager

Lindsay Fish – Chairperson
Call021 022 62948
Auckland, New Zealand